S.L.R. Speech Therapy

Orofacial myofunctional Therapy

What is Myofunctional Therapy?
Myofunctional therapy improves the way that the muscles of the face and mouth are used for eating, talking, and breathing. Rather than treating each individual symptom, myofunctional therapy addresses the root cause of all symptoms to promote health, growth, and proper development. We work collaboratively with other professionals to achieve the best outcomes, including dentists, orthodontists, allergists, otolaryngologists (ENTs), oral surgeons, physicians, physical therapists, osteopaths, cranial-sacral therapists, and chiropractors.
Who benefits from myofunctional therapy?
Individuals with orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs) and related challenges benefit from therapy to address issues such as:
Tongue thrust
Poor oral posture and mouth breathing
Upper airway obstruction and sleep apnea
Dysfunctional oral habits
Inefficient swallowing patterns
Open bites, overbites, and underbites
Poor alignment of teeth
How Does Myofunctional Therapy Work?
Myofunctional therapy is an evidence-based approach to improving oral functions. We directly treat the root cause of symptoms in order to reduce:
Speech sound errors
Frontal or lateral lisp
Drooling and saliva build-up
Snoring and poor sleep quality
Thumb or finger sucking
Jaw pain and related headaches
Forward tongue movement during swallowing
Orthodontic relapse and dental health issues

Our comprehensive evaluations begin with a thorough review of medical history. Then, we complete a clinical examination of breathing habits, swallowing patterns, and speech skills, as well as oral and facial structures, muscle movements, and posture at rest. This process allows us to rule out tethered oral tissues (TOTs), determine whether there is an airway obstruction, and create a treatment plan with targeted goals. When appropriate, we will make referrals to other medical professionals to ensure the best outcomes.
We make myofunctional therapy engaging by using fun straws, motivating toys, and interactive games! Our therapy methods are based on current research and informed by professional courses from the International Association of Orofacial Myology (IAOM). In addition to direct therapy, we provide weekly home activities for daily practice, which are kept in a physical or electronic folder for families and clients. Myofunctional therapy aims to achieve the following outcomes:
Improved nasal breathing
Improved speech sound accuracy
Improved orofacial and dental growth
Improved swallowing
Improved muscle function of the face
Improved posture and awareness
Proper diaphragmatic breath support
Elimination of dysfunctional oral habits
We also offer customized habit elimination programs. Contact us to learn more!